History’s Greatest Speeches – Vol. I
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History's Greatest Speeches - VOL. I

This production featuring digitally enhanced performances of some of history’s greatest speeches – all presented as they might have originally been heard.


The immersive audio experience presented here – complete with sound effects, music and atmospherics – allows the listener to feel as if they were in attendance when these speeches were first delivered. The orations are performed by a select group of amazing actors who uniquely capture the essence, power and complexity of these magnificent addresses, universally acknowledged as some of the greatest speeches in world history.


Volume I features such disparate historical characters as the philosopher Socrates (Darren Stephens), Jesus Christ and Eugene V. Debs (Kevin Theis), Queen Elizabeth I (Sara Nichols), Oliver Cromwell (Ronald Keaton), President George Washington (Charles Constant) and the abolitionist Sojourner Truth (Rochelle Young).

This collection is part one of a series.


Listen to a sample here:



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