Invading Nirvana
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invading nirvana

Chicago theater veteran Kevin Theis, co-author of the cult classic Confessions of a Transylvanian: a Story of Sex, Drugs and Rocky Horror presents: Invading Nirvana: a Chicagoan in the City of Angels the story of one actor’s quixotic odyssey into the heart of the entertainment industry: Hollywood, California.


From the early preparations for his trip to La La Land to his search for representation, his encounters with the famous (and soon-to-be famous) as well as his deep-dive exploration of this unique and fascinating city, Invading Nirvana is a must-listen for anyone considering moving to L.A. to pursue a dream of breaking into show business.


The author is both candid and unsparing in his description of the industry, the city of Los Angeles, and the challenges of being a performer in Hollywood looking for work. Casting agents, pay-to-meet workshops, the comedy club scene, film and TV auditions, as well as a peek inside the audiobook world; every aspect of the entertainment industry is thoroughly examined in this hilarious and comprehensive look at life as a professional actor in Hollywood.


Listen to a sample here:



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