Right Ho, Jeeves!
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Right Ho, JEEVES

In this early “Jeeves” novel, the infamous Bertie Wooster, rebuffing the assistance of his trusty manservant Jeeves, attempts to help his old chum and newt-fancier Gussie Fink-Nottle win the affections of the goofy but adorable Madeline Bassett.


But without Jeeves to lend a hand, chaos ensues, and Bertie finds himself accidentally – and horribly – engaged to Madeline himself.


Right Ho, Jeeves contains a passage described by actor Stephen Fry (a Jeeves and Bertie veteran) as “the single funniest piece of sustained writing in the language”.

A much beloved romp by the master of satirical comedy, the legendary P.G. Wodehouse.


Get your copy…by clicking on the image below!