AudioFile Welcome
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When you download and listen to a SoundCraft Audiobook production, you get more than just great narration of a classic story. 


Here, you are right in the center of the action.  You hear the thunder crack, the blowing wind, the menacing hoofbeats of the Headless Horseman…all in an immersive audio environment!


Our featured book of the month is Charles Dickens’ classic holiday tale of greed and redemption, “A Christmas Carol.”  


In addition to this classic, please explore all of the unique productions SoundCraft has to offer.

This month’s featured audiobook:


Perhaps the most beloved Christmas book of all time, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol tells the story of the miserly and miserable Ebenezer Scrooge, who is given one, final chance at redemption on Christmas Eve when he is visited by the ghost of his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley.  That night, at Marley’s behest, Scrooge is guided by three Spirits – of Christmas Past, Present and Future – who show the old miser the error of his ways and help him to understand the true meaning of Christmas.


Easily one of the most heralded and widely-adapted holiday stories ever created, A Christmas Carol is Dickens at his finest and most moving. A must-listen addition to any library.


You can listen to a sample here:



To order your copy…click below:

